In the previous blog here, we looked at how to deploy and install SharePoint Apps. Now let’s look at installing SharePoint Framework extensions – Listview command sets programmatically.

SharePoint CSOM

SharePoint Framework has three type of extensions that could be created – Application customiser, Listview command sets and Field customisers. In this blog, we will look at adding list view command sets programmatically.

Listview command extensions are actually custom actions installed in a library or list. Hence to activate it we will go to the library/list, find the installed custom actions, if not installed we will install the new custom action. Below is the code for that.

private string appJsonInfo;
private AppDeclaration Apps;
// A class to hold JSON converted objects for Apps
private class AppDeclaration
public string appName;
public string appId;
public string clientsideId;
// Declare and create a Json Object for all Apps
public void DeclareAppIds
appJsonInfo = "[{appId: \"xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx\", appName: \"testApp\", clientsideId: \"xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx\"}, " +
"{appId: \"xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx\", appName: \"testApp1\", clientsideId: \"xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx\"}, " +
"{appId: \"xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx\", appName: \"testApp2\", clientsideId: \"xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx\"}]";
Apps = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<AppDeclaration>>(appJsonInfo);
public void AddExtensions(string listURL)
AppDeclaration App = appConfiguration.Apps.Find(app => app.appName.Contains("<app name>"));
Guid AppID = new Guid(App.clientsideId);
string AppName = App.appName;
using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext(<siteUrl>))
if (AppID != Guid.Empty)
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(UserName, SecurePass);
List list = context.Web.GetListByUrl(<list URL>);
log.Info("Finding and Adding Extenstion to " + list.Title);
context.Load(list, t => t.UserCustomActions);
UserCustomActionCollection listExt = list.UserCustomActions;
bool AppPresent = false;
foreach (UserCustomAction customAcc in listExt)
if (customAcc.ClientSideComponentId == AppID)
tenancyAppPresent = true;
if (!tenancyAppPresent)
UserCustomAction customAction = list.UserCustomActions.Add();
customAction.ClientSideComponentId = AppID;
customAction.Location = "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet";
customAction.Name = AppName;
customAction.Title = AppName;
throw new Exception("System Error – App cannot be added as no App ID found");


We could also use PnP PowerShell to add the Library extension onto a page using the code below

$credentials = Get-Credential
Connect-PnPOnline "https://<your-tenant&gt;<target-site>" -Credentials $credentials
## You can use the following PnP cmdlet
## ClientSideComponentId from Manifest.Json of the extension
Add-PnPCustomAction -Name "<CommandSetName>" -Title "<CommandSetTitle>" -Description "<Text>" -RegistrationId "101" -RegistrationType List -ClientSideComponentId "<Id from Manifest.json>" -Location "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet"

Hence, above we saw how we could add extensions onto a library or list using CSOM or PowerShell

Happy Coding!!


  1. Hi Asish
    Thank you for your post. It’s quite helpful.
    But in my case, I need one step back.
    My App is installed. I can see that using AppManager(clientContext);

    When I’m trying to get the app using,
    var components = page.AvailableClientSideComponents();

    it’s not getting, because it’s in [Apps you can add] state, not in added state.
    How to achieve this condition.
    I’m provisioning modern site, I want to add a Custom SPFX webpart into a newly added page.
    Any help on this is much appreciated.

    Thank you


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